Pool Deck Was Not Draining Due To Massive Tree Root
When your pool deck does not drain properly, there may be a big reason for it. Our local plumbers in Los Angeles have handled all kinds of plumbing problems in and around West Los Angeles including clearing and/or unblocking pool deck drains and obstructions.
Drain Inspections
A West LA plumbing customer recently called about our Los Angeles drain inspection service to have their pool deck drain inspected because it was no longer draining properly. After arriving at the customer location to diagnose the problem, we used our leak detection camera to look inside the drain line and quickly found the “root” of the problem. That’s right, the problem turned out to be a super long root that was preventing water from draining.
Now What?
It took several attempts to get a hold of the massive root. Once we were able to access it, we thought, what would Paxton do? So we tied a heavy chain on it, hooked it to the hitch on our plumbing truck and began slowly pulling it out. This was no ordinary tree root as you can see. As local drain experts here in Los Angeles, this may have been the longest drain root we’ve ever had to remove.
This Could Have Been Disastrous
The damage a tree root like this can cause to your property could be disastrous. If water around your pool doesn’t drain away like it should, you could find yourself dealing with more than just pooling water. Water damage from a bad drain can run thousands of dollars in clean up and water damage costs.
If you notice that your pool or pool deck drain is slow or not flowing like it should be, don’t wait until it backs up completely. Give your local drain experts at Craigs Plumbing in Los Angeles a call today at (310) 204-3133