Gas Leak Detection & Repair Los Angeles

Gas Leak Detection & Repair is an affordable plumbing service we offer to Los Angeles residents and commercial businesses. Gas lines as we all know can be very dangerous. Craig’s Plumbing’s gas leak detection technicians will ensure all of your gas lines are in good working order and not in need of any repairs. If repairs are needed, our techs will fix the problem right away for you. Remember, if a gas line leaks in your home or business and it goes unnoticed for any period of time, it could cause a fire or explosion resulting in injury or even death.

Gas Line Leaks

Since so many homes in the United States rely on natural gas for clean and efficient heating, a leaking gas line can cause a lot of problems. A buildup of natural gas in an enclosed area can make people very sick or in some cases even cause an explosion. Before doing any job that requires digging outdoors, homeowners should call their local utility company to identify and mark the gas lines before digging begins. We currently offer a gas leak and detection discount for all of our LA plumbing customers

If you notice a “rotten egg” smell in your home, you might have a gas line leak. Here’s what you should do:

  • Do not use your cell phone until safely away from the suspected source of the leak.
  • Shut gas valves off at your home.
  • Do not turn any electric appliances on or off.
  • Do not smoke or use any open flames.
  • Do not attempt to locate the leak.
  • Get a safe distance away from the house, and then call 911 and the utility company.
  • If a natural gas line is damaged when digging outside, call the utility company immediately. Do not attempt to repair the line.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is a potentially harmful by-product of using natural gas. When inhaled, this toxic gas can be very harmful. Unlike natural gas which has an additive that makes it smell like sulfur, carbon monoxide is completely odorless and colorless. This makes it almost impossible to detect on your own. Exposure to carbon monoxide can cause flu-like symptoms, as well as headaches and dizziness. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should get out of their home and call 911 immediately.

To reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • Install carbon monoxide detectors in multiple areas of your home.
  • Inspect the vents, flues, and chimneys of all gas water heaters, furnaces, and fireplaces for proper ventilation of exhaust.
  • Never heat the house with your gas oven.
  • Never sleep in a room heated by a gas or kerosene space heater without proper venting.
gas leak detection and repair
Los Angeles Gas Leak Detection And Repair Services
Preventing Gas Leaks

Preventing gas leaks in the home is as easy as scheduling annual gas line inspections and ensuring proper installation of natural gas lines by licensed professionals. It’s also good to keep in mind that gas leaks can happen for a number of different reasons. Earthquakes can be another major cause of gas line leaks but luckily, earthquake shut off valves are an excellent option to have installed on your property. Emergency shut off valves can help you sleep better at night while knowing your gas line will automatically shut off in the event of a large quake.

Another option to help prevent gas leaks and limit gas lines repairs in Los Angeles, is to use good quality flexible gas lines and make sure they are inspected regularly by a licensed plumbing professional like the team from Craig’s Plumbing.

Gas Leaks and earthquake shut off valves

Call Craig’s Plumbing in Los Angeles, any time at 310-204-3133 for Gas Leak Detection, Gas Line Repairs or for an Annual Inspection.

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